Tuesday, August 26, 2008

The Rise In The Number Of Consumers Wanting Faster Broadband Is Due To The Increase In People Downloading Music And Films

Category: Finance.

The Government are planning to review the broadband speed in the UK after it was suggested that they should pay for installing new infrastructure into companies. The need for a better and faster broadband system is due to the fact that many more companies and consumers are now using the internet and therefore, high- capacity cables are called for.

The reason for this review, which is to be carried out by the former chief executive of Cable and Wireless, is so that, Francesco Caio the Government can clearly understand how they can update the quality of the broadband that the UK is currently using. France and Germany are at present trialling a faster broadband connection that offers a broadband speed that puts the UK s connection speed to shame. The current infrastructure cannot cope with this demand and as a result, people now want and require a faster broadband connection that our European neighbours have. The rise in the number of consumers wanting faster broadband is due to the increase in people downloading music and films. The Government have said that they endeavour to adopt new technologies to ensure that the UK does not get left behind in the technological race. However, installing the new cables needed for a faster broadband is very expensive, it has been, in fact estimated by Enders Analysis that it could cost �1 bn in order to offer the faster service to 6m BT customers. It was April of last year when the Broadband Stakeholder Group advised that the Government had just two years in which to find ways of increasing their investment in next generation of broadband speeds and connections.

As well as money, another problem that stands in the way of obtaining a faster broadband speed is that some people will not see the need for a much faster broadband connection and may therefore not be willing to pay for the service.


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